Get Closer to nature with a ‘Sit-spot’
What is it? Self-directed spacious time intended to simply be and bathe senses in the forest in a contemplative state.
Purpose: to deepen your connection with the more than human world
How do I do it? Use your ‘body radar’ to find a spot you feel drawn to.
To engage your body radar, simply close your eyes, hold arms at your sides palms facing outwards and turn to face different directions, honing in on the one that provides a sense of pleasure. This should be instinct rather than looking for the ‘perfect’ spot – there isn’t criteria to meet. Settle in your spot and remain there for at least 20 minutes. Breathe deeply and allow your mind to clear from anything you’ve been carrying. Drop any worries you have or other activities, errands you’re thinking of. You can pick those up before leaving your sit spot. Now, explore this place with your senses, what in this place drew you to it, what is bringing you pleasure in this moment?
Some may find benefit from completing a nature journal in this spot, jotting notes or drawing pictures of noticing’s you have in this place.
Before leaving share a gesture or thought of gratitude for this time. An attitude of gratitude can help establish a positive outlook that can overflow to other areas of your life. Try to allow yourself time to make a ‘sit spot’ routine even if once a month. A sit spot practice is a great way to deepen your connection with nature and start feeling the benefits of the forest bathing practice.