Human nature connection

Research has shown that our bodies are positively affected by trees, soil, gardens, house plants plants, essential oils from trees, even a piece of naturally dried wood in our hand. These natural things, when we are engaged in experiencing them with our senses have a measurable reduction in physiologic stress in our bodies.

This ‘other than human world’ and our relationship to it is addressed through nature therapy. Through meditations and exercises in nature we are able form relationships and recognize the intrinsic value of trees, rocks, water, earth. We develop the ability to view oneself as part of the environment, rather than more important, or reliant on it simply for resources.


Each time we notice something we have essentially been invited into connection with that being, by that being. Notice what you and this being have in common. We all experience new growth, we feel seasons of change, we share our space with others, we need nourishment from our environment, we play a role in the lives of those around us.

I invite you, next time you are outdoors to acknowledge what you feel connected to in nature.


Introduction to Shinrin Yoku


Get Closer to nature with a ‘Sit-spot’